Small scale replica kinetic sculpture

Small scale replica kinetic sculpture

Nikola sent us images of a small scale replica of a sculpture made by Vjenceslav Richter: The Reliefmeter.

In the pictures below you see a small scale replica of a sculpture made with MakerBeam. Nikola made this replica and sent us these pictures. The original sculpture is from Vjenceslav Richter. He was a Croatian architect who was also known for his work in the fields of urbanism, sculpture, graphic arts, painting and stage design according to Wikipedia. One of his works is the Reliefmeter. Or actually it was a series of sculptures. It was made up of identical aluminum rectangular shapes arranged into various configurations. The viewer could interact with the sculpture by pushing or pulling the blocks. This allowed them to independently create a unique work of art while staying within or following the established system. You can read more here:

Nikola now made a small scale replica of this artwork, see pictures below. You can find more about Nikole here:  and here:


Nikola replica Vjenceslav Richter Reliefmeter 1 MakerBeam

Nikola replica Vjenceslav Richter Reliefmeter 2 MakerBeam

Nikola replica Vjenceslav Richter Reliefmeter 3 MakerBeam


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