A message to our US customers

Amazon has temporarily restricted our opportunities to restock due to the Covid19 crisis. Restocking household staples and medical supplies naturally is more urgent. We still have stock available there. If you cannot order in full consider ordering from our webshop. Then the items will be shipped straight from our warehouse in The Netherlands. At the moment we are still at work and are able to ship goods. UPS is our preferred courier. We have a scheduled daily pickup.
We sell a range of our products on Amazon. In response to the changed shopping demands because of the Covid19 crisis we can no longer restock our products. Amazon has given out the message they will temporarily prioritize the restocking of houshold staples and medical supplies. This is very understandable. We are working on creating stock here - kits, beams, brackets and other items. The moment Amazon allows us to stock our products again we will be ready. Meanwhile you can order directly from us. We ship worldwide.
We are located in The Netherlands and there are several measures in place. Schools are closed, social/physical distancing is practiced and we observe a number of additional hygiene measures (no handshakes, washing our hands many times more than usual, cleaning door handles every day multiple times, etc.) As long as there is no complete lockdown, UPS still ships our packages and we are still safe and healthy we aim to keep going.
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